August 22, 2011

14 weeks already

Well we are now 14 weeks and into our 2nd trimester. and today I went to the Dr because I woke up cramping and it was all on my right side, and come to find out it can be either built up scar tissue from previous surgeries, my appendix in 2005 and then having my tubes tied in 2007 or it could be a
varicose vein the dr was just not really sure what it is but he is going to watch it. I am just thankful that it is not harming the twins.  They are not my babies but I still want to make sure that they are save and ok as I would be doing the same thing if they were my own.  Every pregnancy is different and yes its also nerve raking as well because we want to make sure all goes well for 40 weeks or 9 months.  I am just so thankful that everything is going pretty well, nothing major and I can not wait for the 20 week ultrasound when B & M can see how much their babies have changed since they last saw them at the 9 week ultrasound, other than the ultrasound pictures that I had sent them. 

August 7, 2011

12 week belly picture

sorry about the reflection but this is me trying to take a picture with out showing my head :)

11 week ultrasound

Well I finally got my camera back from the shop so I can finally upload pictures from the 11 week 6 day ultrasound appointment.  I have another appointment tomorrow but I am not sure if they are going to do an ultrasound or not but either way it will be nice to know that B & M's babies are doing great and growing.

babies laying like they are in a bunk bed

baby b's heart rate

baby a's heart rate