March 28, 2011

Appointment scheduled

Well the appointment for the D & C is scheduled for April 5th at 2:40pm this appointment I am not looking forward to but it has to happen but I will be looking forward to the next transfer and just pray that it all works out wonderful. 

March 27, 2011


Well there was a heart beat on the 11th but the baby stop growing shortly after that so I am scheduled to go in for a D & C sometime next week, and we will try again hopefully in 6 weeks.  I am hopeful that this next try will work one because I know that they have great embryos and I got prego on their 1st try.  I will update this blog later. I will get through this and will stay positive through all this it's all in God's hands and I hope he is done testing my patience. I am strong and I will remain strong.

March 10, 2011

Ultrasound tomorrow

Well I think I better update this blog since it's been awhile.  Yesterday was 7 weeks and tomorrow I have the 7 week ultrasound,  It's hard to believe that B & M are 7 weeks pregnant already.  And this pregnancy is just like it was when I was pregnant with my own 2 children- no morning sickness, food cravings, just a healthy one :)