May 19, 2011

New Meds

I started a new medicine yesterday night- Nitroglercin patch, it's suppose to help thicken the lining of my uterus, as I was only a 7.1 on Monday, so I go back Monday for another ultrasound to see if it has thickened up.

I will also be starting Heprin, which is a blood thinner, it will help me from forming clots as I was told happened and that resulted in a miscarriage, and the Doctor wants to make sure that this does not happen this time, I will be taking Heprin twice a day for the entire pregnancy, I am guessing that before I go into labor they will have me stop taking it so I won't bleed a whole lot in delivery, that is what I am hoping for anyways, I am a little nervous about taking 2 blood thinners but I will do what needs to be done.