January 31, 2011

Transfer Day is set

I got a call from the clinic and the Intended Parents- the transfer is set for Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 9:30am. I am so excited to start this journey and get knocked up with their baby and in 9 months see them become a family for the 1st time, writing this makes my eyes water because I am just so blessed to be a part of it all, to help them become loving caring parents to a child, as they are loving caring people towards me.

I have not met them yet but when we talk on the phone they are so sweet, caring, loving people.  Who I know will be wonderful parents.  I am just hoping to be "knocked up"as we say it at support group with their baby and in 9 months see the joy and happy tears fill the room as they welcome their little one they have waited so long to have.  That there is well PRICELESS and I am excited to be apart of that.

January 28, 2011

Something made just for B & M

This is a blanket that my daughter is making with my help, we had to redo it because the blanket stitch idea was not working as the ends were fraying so we sewed it inside out and left a little opening so we can make the pretty side show, and now we are sewing the squares to the back and front will look like a quilt, this is something that a 10 yr old is doing for a girl scout badge requirement, she is making it to donate and decided she wanted to donate it to B & M which I think is very nice and thoughtful. This is how much we have done so far,and no we didn't sew the squares together it came like, but that is what the plan is though.


January 27, 2011

Getting to know B & M

I am starting to talk to my B & M more and I am loving it and I am thinking they are to, it's so nice to be able to talk and get to know them better, I am sure they are getting to know my family as well as when we talk on the phone my kids are loud and fight over who is going to play the wii, but they understand they are kids and the phone is a magnet in our house, they are nice and quiet and get along but once the phone rings they are loud and bug you for something and my youngest son who is 3 is good for that. I even asked him if he wanted to talk to B and he looks at me like who? all 3 of my children know of B & M and seen pictures of them, so hopefully when they meet B & M they will know they are. I am sure my family will like them as I already have, I am very thankful and blessed to have been matched with them they are a wonderful caring couple.

January 24, 2011


I am right where the doctor wants me to be so far, today I had an ultrasound and my lining has thickened up to a 10 and the little bit of fluid that I had is gone.  I am ready for the transfer as the nurse that I am working with says.  I am getting excited for this whole journey.

January 21, 2011

day 4 of delestrogen shot

This is the needle with 1.5 delestrogen

giving myself the shot & taking this picture
Today is day 4 of my Tuesday & Friday shot and so far so good, I have not made myself bleed or bruise so I must be doing it right.

January 18, 2011

Doctor Update

Well I got an email from the clinic and all is good with my blood work, that is a good sign so I don't have to change the dose of my delestrogen. I will continue with the protocol.  I am looking forward to the next 16 days.

January 14, 2011

My Journey Scrapbook

The cover of my book

one of the pages
Today I came up with something to put on the cover of the scrapbook that I am made, now I just need to add pictures to it.  I have one page where I can journal with what the picture on the other page is about.  This is something that I want to treasure and share with my kids as they get older. Scrapbooks make great memories.

another one of the pages  

January 11, 2011

Start New Shot today

Today I went in and had a baseline ultrasound and my lining is 4.7 which is thin, it will thicken from the new medicine that I start taking today. It's delestrogen or aka Estidol Valtrate. I take .15ml twice a week- Tuesday's and Friday's.  I am glad that everything is going smoothly. 

January 8, 2011

I am right on track

I am so glad that I am on track with the calendar, everything is going just the way the clinic wants it and I am thankful for that :) because I know that is a good sign.

January 5, 2011

It's A New Day

My January Med Calendar

I received the rest of my beginning medications that I will start taking in February and hopefully they will continue until 12 weeks of pregnancy then I will wean off of them. It's all for a wonderful cause that I will call a miracle of life, because a baby is a miracle and a wonderful gift that will forever be treasured.

my meds before I organized them

I  received some meds  that I have never taken before and that's alright with me, new meds for a new journey.  With my meds I got 2 bags of needles one size to fill the syringe and one size to give myself the shot for both the delestrogen and the progesterone, I thought that was weird but I am alright with that then there is no confusion on what needle goes with the delestrogen and the progesterone. 

my meds after I organized them

I organized my meds and put the progesterone with some pink needles for the drawing of the medication and some with blue needles that I will use for injection into one container and then in another container is the delestrogen some pink needles and some blue needles, in the top container I have all my other medication expect for the ones that needed to be refrigerated.

January 4, 2011

A month from today

I can not  believe it, a month from today I will be having my embryo transfer in Reno and will be meeting my intended parents for the first time.  It will be an exciting day that I am looking forward to and I am sure that they are as well. 

January 2, 2011

What a small needle can do

Well 2 days ago I gave myself a bruise and then again today. How can such a small needle do this, who knows but I am sure these won't be the last ones I get as I will get some on my rear starting next month.

my bruises-the small one is today's

the needle (insulin) I use .10 of Lupron